Friday, November 25, 2011

New arrivals focus on the 740's section of the library.

Our library has had a lot of requests for arts and crafts books. In response to this demand I have added the titles listed below to our 700's collection. Come on in and check them out!

Not all titles are pictured here.

Crafty activities : over 50 fun and easy things to make: Powell, Michelle.
Dog crafts: Hendry, Linda.
Embroidery: Sadler, Judy Ann.
The jumbo book of needlecrafts: Sadler, Judy Ann.
The jumbo book of paper crafts: Lewis, Amanda.
The kids' guide to paper airplanes: Harbo, Christopher L.
Knitting with Gigi Thalacker, Karen.
Made by me: Bull, Jane
Origami: Henry, Sally.
Papier-mache: Schwarz, Renee.
Making paper airplanes : make your own : Woodroffe, David.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Celebrate Picture Book Month

Check out this blog by K-5 librarian Mr. Schu. It features suggestions for good reads for kids by using book trailers. This month's focus in picture books. There are lots of other great posts to help you choose your next great read!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Check out Children's Book a day Almanac

This site was created by Anita Silvey. She was an editor for the Horn Book Journal and teaches children's literature. She has been reading children's books for over 40 years. A different book and author is featured every day. She discusses what the book is about, the audience it is intended for, and provides great insight into the stories and authors. Check it out!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

New reading resource for our library and home use!!

Exciting news from the Williams School Library

The Williams School library is pleased to announce the addition of TumbleBookLibrary to our school and home resources collection. This literacy tool is an online collection of animated, talking read along picture books. It includes fiction and nonfiction titles and puzzles and games that supplement the titles. The titles include many picture book favorites that are licensed from children’s book publishers and converted to the TumbleBook ebook format.

Watch for login information coming home soon via your Williams School Email Blast.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Welcome Back!

The Williams Library is open for business! I hope everyone had an enjoyable summer. All of the gift books purchased in June are now available for the students in the library. Thanks again for your generous support of this program. More new books will be arriving within the next few weeks, many of them recommendations from the booklists of the Newton Free Library. We had wonderful visits from the NFL librarians in June for most grade levels and I know the children are looking forward to seeing these titles in our library. Remember that you can access our catalog from home on the Williams Library Website by clicking on the Williams School Library Catalog link in the menu bar.

We are always looking for parent volunteers to work in our library. Watch for a blast sent by our library coordinators, Carole McElduff and Anne Stephens. Also you can come in at morning drop off and sign up in person. The sign up is available on the bulletin board right outside the library doors. If you are new to Williams please feel free to come on in and look around. I think you will be pleased with our space and our collection.

I am looking forward to a great year and new challenges in the library!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Thank You to all of our library volunteers!

Today I want to thank all of the library volunteers for the 2010-2011 school year. The library really can't flourish without you. You do everything from checking books in and out, shelving using the Dewey Decimal System (not a bad lifelong skill to know), and many smaller tasks that free me up to focus on teaching and learning with the students. It really is an invaluable contribution to the Williams community.

I want to give a special shout out to Carole McElduff and Anne Stephens, who coordinate the volunteers and insure that all classes have a parent to assist in the library.  They also do a fabulous job with the gift book program, which has grown so much since I began my tenure at Williams.  I think we may have set a record for books sold this year.  This is so important as our budget shrinks!  Families are so generous and our library collection is solid and continues to grow in all areas. I can't thank you all enough for this contribution to our school.

Literacy is the key to learning for all of us, no matter what stage of life we are in.  It is crucial for our children to establish a foundation for literacy that promotes a love of reading, a yearning for knowledge, and the ability to use all the media formats that they will encounter as they grow as learners in the 21st century.

Have a great summer and keep reading!!


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

NPS Elementary Summer Reading List now available online

The annual summer reading list is now available at the following link:

Just click on the link for Summer 2011 Reading List.  You will find selections from all genres for grades K-6.  There is also a section on Websites to keep you reading, learning, and having fun.  There is a reading log to help you keep track of what you read and record what you liked about the book.  This list is compiled every year by the Newton Public Schools elementary librarians.

You should also check out the booklists posted on the Newton Free Library Children's room Website. You can access it at:

Let's keep the kids reading all summer long. It is fun and helps sustain good reading habits while school is out.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Mass Children's book award winners

The winners for the Mass Children Book Award have been announced.  The winner is 11 Birthdays, by Wendy Mass. Here is a summary of the book from our catalog:

After celebrating their first nine same-day birthdays together, Amanda and Leo, having fallen out on their tenth and not speaking to each other for the last year, prepare to celebrate their eleventh birthday separately but peculiar things begin to happen as the day of their birthday begins to repeat itself over and over again.

 You can view the honor books by going to the MCBA site:

You can also view the whole list of nominated books for this year on the site. The books are appropriate for grades 4-6, so this is a good place to go when you are thinking about looking for some good reads this summer.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Thanks to fifth graders for fabulous book suggestions for the library!

Our fifth graders have been blogging about books on my library blog. We use, where all of our information can only be accessed if you have a user name and password.   All fifth graders are eligible to participate in the blog.   They have had three posts to respond to thus far. We have discussed the Mass Children's book award nominees in one post. Students have been suggesting titles for the library and making reading recommendations for each other on the other two posts. I have been responding to their suggestions and so has the PTO. Thanks to the fifth graders and the generosity of the PTO we are purchasing many of the titles that they have requested. I have been very impressed with their comments and their ability to communicate with each other and with me via this media.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Opening Day at Fenway!!

Our library has many good baseball books. If you do a keyword search, you will see a total of 233 books that have the word baseball somewhere in the record. One of my favorites is 86 years: The legend of the Boston Red Sox, because it has wonderful realistic illustrations and recounts the story of the 2004 world championship team. We have a good selection of fiction, nonfiction, picture books, and even poetry to choose from, including a couple of versions of the most famous baseball poem of all: Casey at the Bat. You can read about women in baseball, and the struggles of African Americans to be accepted in Major League Baseball. Since I love baseball I could go on about this forever, but I would rather you come on in and check them out!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Our Catalog Online

Did you know that you can look up books in the Williams School Library from home?  You can go to the Williams Library Web Site and then click on Williams School Library Catalog. It will take you directly to the catalog. Find out if the title you are looking for is available.  Take a look at the top ten books in circulation at our library, and more!

Here is the direct link:;jsessionid=7FA602B10711DC0D679E6474A13E1387?l2m=Library%20Search&tm=Catalog&l2m=Library+Search

Second Graders work with Professor Garfield's Toon Reader

In TAP today the second graders had a chance to use Professor Garfield's Toon Book Reader. It is part of the Professor site. It is free and you can read some of the graphic novels we have in the Williams Library and more!  You can also try creating your own comics using the Comics Lab feature.  Try it at:

Toon books in our library: